Saturday, December 25, 2010
. Adrian Monk .
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
.: university update :.
University life here can get pretty difficult, specially when the campus is GI-NORMOUS!!! Classes can be in different department buildings and directions here aren't really well-planned. Time to make new friends, time to meet new lecturers and time to settle into your second home; the dormitories xp Truth be told, I really like living in the dorms but you do get home-sick once in a while. Good thing I've got pals as next door neighbors C: You get loads of tips from your seniors on how to survive here, and picking the lecturers best suited to your study plan and taste. You hear all kinds of stories of campus-life, wacky students and wackier lecturers..... and monkeys xP No seriously, the university is surrounded by jungle so there are monkeys walking around O__o Gotta be careful - they bite!
Today's a slow day so I thought I'd might as well make a post. Also, since I don't want to go on babbling, here's a picture for all of you to enjoy! Drawn for a friend on deviantart, as a belated birthday present.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
. 06.08.10 colonial world .
If you saw this Dream, you would've thought it was the end of the world... Or at least a post-World War 3 land. There wasn't even land. Land was scarce and people made their homes on plastic or metal as they float on the miles and miles of water. Everyone's home was on a boat and it was our only mode of transport. We knew this world was only temporary and we wanted to escape. There were a few of us, my persona and another friend whom I just call Sya. There were other two people but they were scumbags who looked out for themselves only.
Our goal was to reach the highest point of the slums and catch an ongoing rescue ship (yes it was a spaceship. Remember, this could have been the future) so we geared up and went off. On the way, the scumbags that clung to us were always trying to keep us behind or slow us down, getting the benefits for themselves. There was one time where I was framed for a crime I did not do and the local authorities and the judge questioned me in whatever room that could do for a courtroom. But the judge believed my story and let me go. They charged one of the scumbags that framed me cus they caught her trying to steal the judge's purse.
Sya and I continued on. There was one point where I didn't remember what happened but Sya and I got separated and it was just me and that scumbag that framed me (its a girl by the way). She and I were racing to the top of the mismatched clock tower of the slums, the shadows of the space ship already visible. Climbing the stairs, that girl tried everything to slow me down. She threw water bottles down at me, calling me names. In the end she revealed to me what had happened to my friend. I figured they had got ridden of her and I felt so angry in the Dream I could've cried.
We reached the top and it was almost like magic, like a revelation, the girl realized all the evil things she had done up to this point and we were in the heated discussion of whether there was a heaven or hell and which one would we end up in. Our talk went something like this:
“How do you know where we'll end up in in the end?”
Me: “Because deep inside, we already knew it from the start. Why do you think people continue to act the way they do?”
“But how do you know? How did we know?”
Me: “... People always say that its just a matter of time to change that destination... Just a matter of time... But they forget that its time that doesn't seem to matter.”
I fired the emergency flare with hot tears in my eyes, remembering Sya was the one that used to carry these. I wished she could have boarded the ship with me. The ship landed and we had to go back down the tower and cross the plastic islands and houses and dock aboard. The rescue ship was British, and it was also a medical ship. One of the doctors I recognized was Sidney Weaver, or Ripley from Aliens.
There were doctors everywhere treating babies and children and the elderly. The technology was super sophisticated and futuristic. There was this one baby they were trying hard to diagnose its illness. They took an X-Ray of it and from the X-Ray machine it produced a very solid-looking 3D holographic image of the baby and with a pull or a twist of the fingers, you could pull its skin and flesh off to see its bones and organs and see what was causing problems. I was helping the doctors take care of some of the patients.
I'm surprised I can still remember what I said in the Dream, eventhough I don't really know what all of it meant. Can YOU interpret their meanings?