The night before I was watching Blonde and Blonder starring Pamela Anderson and Denice Richards. Yeah, it was pretty funny. But why did my dream have to include them and the detective who was tracking them down?
We were all squeezed in a blue car, the detective at the wheel but somehow he had problems driving. Maybe it's because in America, the steering wheel was on the left and Malaysia, ours was on the right. Whatever reason he was taking time and I said, “Oh for crying out loud, I'll drive!” and I did. Pamela said that they needed to get somewhere fast! Somewhere called the Pam's Hotel.
I thought 'Pam'... does that mean she owned it? Surprising enough she said her father owned it. I didn't remember any of that from the movie but oh well. Driving with no directions, the premise seems familiar. Turns out it was the residences area behind my school. I knew my way around but I didn't remember any hotel there... Maybe a flat but no hotel.
Suddenly the car and the characters disappeared and I was left running, for some reason in slow motion, through the area, still trying to find the damned hotel. Then I get a call from Dee that WE were supposed to meet up at the hotel. OK! Gotta find this hotel! Maybe there's cake again!
I run and run, still in slow motion and it felt like my feet didn't even touch the ground, and I accidentally burst into this house with two old chinese ladies. I asked if they knew where the hotel was and they exclaimed, “Oh! It's just down the road! Down the road! Can't miss it! It's the only hotel there!” they said, not really angry I trespassed. I told them that my school was around here and that all this time I didn't know of the hotel, but I didn't think they heard me so I went on my way.
I run until I finally find this hotel, which from the outside looks like a real dingy flat. Sure enough a big sign said PAM'S HOTEL and suddenly I'm inside... And the architecture was... well impossible. There were levels and levels and levels of floors, not really attached, not really floating. There were stairs but the scariest thing was there were no bars at the ends of the floors to keep you from falling to the ground floor.
I found myself on a floor platform and I look down and you get that fear of height hitting you right in the stomach. Then I see Sano, Dee and Huda waiting for me on the opposite platform. There was no other way for me to reach them except jump over. With great anxiety, even knowing this was a dream, I jumped and made it but I was tipping over!! AaaaH!!
I almost slipped off the platform and fall but Sano caught me just in time. I remember he had his arms around my waist. When I was saved, we flew apart right away cus we weren't supposed to touch each other and he apologized. “You saved my life dood, so no prob!” I kinda replied.
I'm having Sano in my dreams a lot lately... Why is that I wonder...
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