I'm in what looks to be a square room with a deep pit. I'm on a narrow edge sticking outward from the walls and its the only thing keeping me from falling flat on the marble floors dead below. I don't stand at all. The whole time, I'm crawling.
Suddenly I see my two friends, DJ and Agong, each holding a basketball in their hands. In reality, these two did enjoy playing basketball. But what were they doing here? They were bouncing the balls and having fun until Agong's ball dropped into the pit. Immediately he jumps after it and lands safely on the ground. It was a long way down but he was unhurt. He throws the ball upwards but instead of it landing in DJ's hands, it lands in front of me.
At the time I was crawling, making my way around the narrow edge, trying to get to DJ, see if he could help in any way. The basketball lands in front of me and I decide to keep it, which was not Agong's plan. He thinks if I keep it, I wouldn't give it back. As soon as I touch the orange ball, it gets smaller and smaller until it reached the size of an egg. A very exotically painted and decorated egg. I held it with me and continued walking.
Agong, a little upset his basketball turned into an egg, tries to make his way up the pit. DJ on the other hand gives his ball with no argument and it too turned into an egg, even before I caught it. Both eggs were similarly decorated. Now I held two eggs and didn't know what to do with them. Agong had already climbed out from the pit and he stood at the edge opposite DJ. He found a lever on his wall and pulled it. At once, water began filling the pit. It looked like a pool!
Thinking it a fun idea at the time, I jumped in! With the eggs in hand I did a cannonball and made a great splash. In the water I dropped the eggs but I was not too concerned about them. Getting onto the edges, DJ and Agong look at me. I said, “What? There's always time for a good swim.” And I look into the pool and the eggs were still there.
Only one was made out of glass and it had sunk to the bottom. The other egg, though just as beautifully decorated, was made out of wood and floated gently on the water's surface. I felt an interpretation coming on.
I turn round and I find myself no longer in the pit or near the pool but in my room, but I'm still dripping wet. My dad comes into the room and sees me making a wet mess, throws me a towel and sort of lectures me on not drying my hair properly or going swimming in my casual clothes.
Here's my interpretation! Are you read-eyh?? Ok, the pit I think represents the depth of challenges I face, as a normal person. I'm guessing the basketballs they gave me was support. Agong represents my friends who give their support unknowingly but with best intentions at heart. DJ might represent my few closest friends, which include himself, as the ones who give their support with full awareness thus his attitude at giving me the ball himself, with no complaint or warning. Their support turns into eggs, which I think means plans. As I take both plans into the pit full of water and struggle out of the pool, its obvious some plans will sink, but some plans stay afloat. But we all get the same result from putting plans into action; we must get a little wet on the way :)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
. Howl .
Yes, I'm a fan of the Japanese animated film Howl's Moving Castle but I'm more of a love-sick fan for the main hero, Howl the wizard~ Here's how my story goes.
Howl was badly dismembered by a magical force, leaving his body in ruins. His organs and bones were visible, his limbs nowhere attached and his flesh slowly melting. I, actually ignoring all these gross facts, try my hardest to get his body back together. Putting his bones in the proper places like his spine, his skull and ribcage. Then I see Calcifer, the fire demon who is interconnected with Howl's heart and life force, nearby. My last hope was that I put Calcifer back into Howl's chest, maybe it could help.
So I placed the flame into his open chest and Calcifer was being absorbed by Howl's body. At first nothing happened and I sobbed quietly, since I couldn't save him. But then his flesh started forming, renewing and falling back into place. The first body part to form perfectly was his head. He was on his back and I behind his head so he had to look at me upside down to see me without turning. His hair color, black, and his cheeks a bit bloodied but he smiled at me.
He was grateful that even in the most ugly of situations, my unselfish intentions led me to trying my best to save his life. My efforts weren't in vain as Howl's body started to regenerate and he was gaining his health back. I run to the bathroom to get fresh towels and hot water to clean the blood of his body and floors.
In the bathroom, getting all the items ready in the sink, the wooden door behind me opens and its Howl's pale arm sticking in. He didn't say anything but in the Dream, as I looked into his eyes, it was as if he was saying 'don't leave me alone'. So I take his hand and stroke it and warm it between both of mine. His smile was most affectionate, I didn't want the Dream to end.
But Dreams have to, no matter how much we wish they won't.
Yes I know Howl has Sophie from the movie but hey, I can Dream can't I? Let me be a fan-girl once in a while and enjoy my fantasies XD
Howl was badly dismembered by a magical force, leaving his body in ruins. His organs and bones were visible, his limbs nowhere attached and his flesh slowly melting. I, actually ignoring all these gross facts, try my hardest to get his body back together. Putting his bones in the proper places like his spine, his skull and ribcage. Then I see Calcifer, the fire demon who is interconnected with Howl's heart and life force, nearby. My last hope was that I put Calcifer back into Howl's chest, maybe it could help.
So I placed the flame into his open chest and Calcifer was being absorbed by Howl's body. At first nothing happened and I sobbed quietly, since I couldn't save him. But then his flesh started forming, renewing and falling back into place. The first body part to form perfectly was his head. He was on his back and I behind his head so he had to look at me upside down to see me without turning. His hair color, black, and his cheeks a bit bloodied but he smiled at me.
He was grateful that even in the most ugly of situations, my unselfish intentions led me to trying my best to save his life. My efforts weren't in vain as Howl's body started to regenerate and he was gaining his health back. I run to the bathroom to get fresh towels and hot water to clean the blood of his body and floors.
In the bathroom, getting all the items ready in the sink, the wooden door behind me opens and its Howl's pale arm sticking in. He didn't say anything but in the Dream, as I looked into his eyes, it was as if he was saying 'don't leave me alone'. So I take his hand and stroke it and warm it between both of mine. His smile was most affectionate, I didn't want the Dream to end.
But Dreams have to, no matter how much we wish they won't.
Yes I know Howl has Sophie from the movie but hey, I can Dream can't I? Let me be a fan-girl once in a while and enjoy my fantasies XD
. ghay...? .
We were taking a family drive which wasn't out of the ordinary until we were driving through a tunnel. There were two lanes in the tunnel itself but it still felt like a tight squeeze. What made it worse was that there were people blocking our way to the exit. That's not even the really bad part. These people... were cross dressing homosexuals.
They were like those men prostitutes who dressed up as women in flashy sequined outfits and ridiculously thick make up. There were two of them in front of our car and wouldn't let us go and started asking if we wanted a 'good time'. Apparently it didn't cross their minds that we were a family altogether. I looked at the cars behind and there were more men doing the same routine.
My dad, a bit annoyed at their thickness, asked them if they could just leave us alone cus we weren't at all interested in them. For some reason he got out of the car hoping to negotiate further but the two men cornered him, making my dad look so small compared to their huge bodies in tight skirts. Suddenly they turned back to the car and started going for mom and I. I started screaming in the car and trying to get out with mom.
I remember their big arms crashing through the side windows of the back seat trying to grab my legs. I remember kicking them with all my might and screaming at the same time. I woke up at first in an unfamiliar place with a damp forehead... It was morning, thank God.
To my surprise I haven't formed a phobia of homosexuals yet... or cross dressers... or aggressive prostitutes...
They were like those men prostitutes who dressed up as women in flashy sequined outfits and ridiculously thick make up. There were two of them in front of our car and wouldn't let us go and started asking if we wanted a 'good time'. Apparently it didn't cross their minds that we were a family altogether. I looked at the cars behind and there were more men doing the same routine.
My dad, a bit annoyed at their thickness, asked them if they could just leave us alone cus we weren't at all interested in them. For some reason he got out of the car hoping to negotiate further but the two men cornered him, making my dad look so small compared to their huge bodies in tight skirts. Suddenly they turned back to the car and started going for mom and I. I started screaming in the car and trying to get out with mom.
I remember their big arms crashing through the side windows of the back seat trying to grab my legs. I remember kicking them with all my might and screaming at the same time. I woke up at first in an unfamiliar place with a damp forehead... It was morning, thank God.
To my surprise I haven't formed a phobia of homosexuals yet... or cross dressers... or aggressive prostitutes...
Friday, August 6, 2010
. i missed my own party .
I'm at home with my parents minding our own business like a normal weekend when suddenly the doorbell rings. I go see who it is and from out of the blue, there's Sano and Agong!! GAH! What are they doing here?! I have to wear my scarf and get out long clothes!! AAAH! I tell my mom to answer the door for me while I change.
I'm not completely changed in the right attire but my mom comes later telling me that my friends will be waiting downstairs by the swimming pool. And I go, “All my friends??? Why is everyone here in the first place??!”
My mom doesn't help the situation by saying, “They said you invited them over for a party? Didn't you?” I'm frozen from shock.
I ran over to the balcony and sure enough, I look at the ground floor where the condo's swimming pool should be but instead, there was this huge paper screen. Someone had set it up and I see Zim and other boys playing the PS3 game and it showed on the paper screen. Everyone else was there! I see all the boys in casual wear but all the girls wore quite peculiar clothes. They looked like jubah cus most of it was black and all the girls wore the same pattern, but each had a different color to go with the black. A theme perhaps?
After seeing all my friends downstairs waiting for the party to start, I want to quickly change into a jubah, just to match the theme, but all my good jubah were dirty and in the wash!!! So, OK wear something else! I change and change but nothing seems to progress!! Time's running out!! The sun's setting!! It's getting late!!! I'm late!! Late for my own party!! I'm- I'm--!!!
I woke up. I missed my own party.
Even my Dream bending powers didn't seem to work this time. How depressing. Have you ever missed out on something in YOUR Dream?
I'm not completely changed in the right attire but my mom comes later telling me that my friends will be waiting downstairs by the swimming pool. And I go, “All my friends??? Why is everyone here in the first place??!”
My mom doesn't help the situation by saying, “They said you invited them over for a party? Didn't you?” I'm frozen from shock.
I ran over to the balcony and sure enough, I look at the ground floor where the condo's swimming pool should be but instead, there was this huge paper screen. Someone had set it up and I see Zim and other boys playing the PS3 game and it showed on the paper screen. Everyone else was there! I see all the boys in casual wear but all the girls wore quite peculiar clothes. They looked like jubah cus most of it was black and all the girls wore the same pattern, but each had a different color to go with the black. A theme perhaps?
After seeing all my friends downstairs waiting for the party to start, I want to quickly change into a jubah, just to match the theme, but all my good jubah were dirty and in the wash!!! So, OK wear something else! I change and change but nothing seems to progress!! Time's running out!! The sun's setting!! It's getting late!!! I'm late!! Late for my own party!! I'm- I'm--!!!
I woke up. I missed my own party.
Even my Dream bending powers didn't seem to work this time. How depressing. Have you ever missed out on something in YOUR Dream?
. homicidal couple .

This was a slur of Dreams but the part I remember most vividly is this weird pair's story.
We start at a studio where people are supposed to shoot this sexy add, for a medicinal product perhaps, because the actress was in a kinky nurse's outfit. She goes in for make-up and there's a really maniacal goth chick waiting for her. She does the make-up but its horribly thick with grotesque colors. The actress doesn't realize it though and makes her way to the studio.
But when she reaches the set, the prop bedroom (which was going to be used in the ad?) was DRENCHED in crimson blood. The body parts were so diabolically slashed, there were no real remains. No one was to be found around the set. No camera crew; no director; no sound guy; the girl screams.
When the girl turns to run, she finds herself cornered by the goth make up chick and her boyfriend. Both wearing black striped, gothic attire and both very and utterly insane with homicidal intentions.
The next scene (quite pieced together by me) is that the girl is missing but there's more blood on the set. The couple are sitting side by side in the director chairs giving the other a kiss, “I love you, hun.”
I think the only reason I dreamt of these murderous characters is because I've been wanting to read this comic called Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (same creator and artist of Invader Zim) so baaaad but I doubt it'll be sold round these parts. But then again, worse have passed through our country's censors...
EDIT: My dad downloaded all 7 books of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Best Dad Evur <3>3>
. 08.10.09 android .

“Answer the question: Do you know what you are?”
“I don't understand.”
“That's NOT how androids are supposed to answer!! Again! What ARE you?!”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.”
“Give me a plastic answer like a good android, or you'll get the laser..” and he showed a pen sized gamma laser, which was supposed to hurt me. I understood that much.
My android brain slowly thought about what he wanted. I looked at my wrist and there was a stamp engraved in my skin like a brand. He asked again, “What ARE you...?”
“I am android G-413, made by the Eon Lion company.” I answered bluntly.
“Very good..”
The place we were standing in was part of a flat floor but with a huge indentation, causing no where to go but up. One was was straight 90 degrees but the other wall was slant and high. I knew I couldn't crawl out without getting hurt. The straight wall however was mostly made out of glass, as was the whole building, giving it a futuristic look. And for some reason, I could tell that in the next second or so, a bullet would come through that wall for my designer.
I scrambled to the opposite wall, which was slant and tried to climb out but as I slid down to the bottom, my designer saw my plan as rebellion and fired the laser at me. It stung a little, but not as much as he expected. He was stunned. I tried one last time to climb that slant wall and I managed to pull myself out of that pit. As I reached the top, my prediction was correct. Bullets came through the glass and shot my designer. My savior looked a bit like Clive Owen...
He had two younger men with him; twins with short red hair. They were helping me escape with them. We went out the window onto an escalator which led to the Green Circle, the company's outdoor garden. It wasn't a Greenhouse because there was no roof. There was a huge synthetic, plastic cover over the garden patch where one twin went under to hide. Clive Owen and the other twin went to find transport to escape. I looked under the cover and asked, “May I come with you?” since I was a polite android.
He beckoned me to come under and I crawled beside him. I was like a child, looking around, wondering about the outside world I wasn't allowed to play in. Curious about the grass and the dirt and everything. He saw the scars all over my body from the laser and asked, "Does it hurt? I mean... do you feel pain?"
"We are built with pain sensors within the layer of our artificial skin. However my design evidently has a higher quality skin type. It does not hurt as much as I thought." I asked as calm as I was, “Please, what is your name?”
“I'm Sid and that was my brother, Peter. Do you have a name?”
“I'm Eve.”
“Who gave you that name?”
“I did.” because no one names androids. We're just machinery.
This could have been made into a block buster movie! Woah, I like that possibility. But it seems like it'll have a sad ending though... I dunno. Just a hunch. I like how many sorts of details I remembered from this Dream :)
. superhero .
This Dream was quite mixed up and blurry in some parts but what I remember is this huge ogre like being was causing a commotion in this abandoned warehouse like setting and I was running away from him. Now, in my Dreams, when there is danger I always ask myself first whether I can fly in the Dream.
JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! … Guess not today.
I reach the end of the warehouse and there are two battered bodies! OMG! My favorite superhero and his sidekick, Batman and Robin, have been beaten! Is there no one to stop this monstrous fiend?? I was trying to wake Batman and Robin but they were out cold, or barely moving. The ogre was coming near me; his hands as big as my entire body. He was ready to punch me into the wall, “Ogre SMASH!!!”
I cried out loud the letter 'D' for some reason and at the moment he punched me, I had turned into a human crystal! Saved! Once I had realised what happened, the ogre was crying over his crushed knuckles and bone. I was saying, “I love this dream!” but the ogre got even angrier and it was time for me to flee and out the warehouse door I went.
It was like a cartoon though, cus when I was outside and I saw the ogre coming at me from the front, I went back into the warehouse. When he came through the warehouse back door and was in front of me again, I went through the door I exited in the first place and so on and so forth.
At one point, I saw a familiar character of mine called DJ, looking blur. I told him, “Run this way, this way!” hurriedly. He saw the ogre and immediately understood what I said.
I draw a comic called SuperStudents and the girl I was personifying as well as DJ are two characters from said comic. Start reading and support my ongoing comic project! Feedback always appreciated!
JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! … Guess not today.
I reach the end of the warehouse and there are two battered bodies! OMG! My favorite superhero and his sidekick, Batman and Robin, have been beaten! Is there no one to stop this monstrous fiend?? I was trying to wake Batman and Robin but they were out cold, or barely moving. The ogre was coming near me; his hands as big as my entire body. He was ready to punch me into the wall, “Ogre SMASH!!!”
I cried out loud the letter 'D' for some reason and at the moment he punched me, I had turned into a human crystal! Saved! Once I had realised what happened, the ogre was crying over his crushed knuckles and bone. I was saying, “I love this dream!” but the ogre got even angrier and it was time for me to flee and out the warehouse door I went.
It was like a cartoon though, cus when I was outside and I saw the ogre coming at me from the front, I went back into the warehouse. When he came through the warehouse back door and was in front of me again, I went through the door I exited in the first place and so on and so forth.
At one point, I saw a familiar character of mine called DJ, looking blur. I told him, “Run this way, this way!” hurriedly. He saw the ogre and immediately understood what I said.
I draw a comic called SuperStudents and the girl I was personifying as well as DJ are two characters from said comic. Start reading and support my ongoing comic project! Feedback always appreciated!
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