“Answer the question: Do you know what you are?”
“I don't understand.”
“That's NOT how androids are supposed to answer!! Again! What ARE you?!”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.”
“Give me a plastic answer like a good android, or you'll get the laser..” and he showed a pen sized gamma laser, which was supposed to hurt me. I understood that much.
My android brain slowly thought about what he wanted. I looked at my wrist and there was a stamp engraved in my skin like a brand. He asked again, “What ARE you...?”
“I am android G-413, made by the Eon Lion company.” I answered bluntly.
“Very good..”
The place we were standing in was part of a flat floor but with a huge indentation, causing no where to go but up. One was was straight 90 degrees but the other wall was slant and high. I knew I couldn't crawl out without getting hurt. The straight wall however was mostly made out of glass, as was the whole building, giving it a futuristic look. And for some reason, I could tell that in the next second or so, a bullet would come through that wall for my designer.
I scrambled to the opposite wall, which was slant and tried to climb out but as I slid down to the bottom, my designer saw my plan as rebellion and fired the laser at me. It stung a little, but not as much as he expected. He was stunned. I tried one last time to climb that slant wall and I managed to pull myself out of that pit. As I reached the top, my prediction was correct. Bullets came through the glass and shot my designer. My savior looked a bit like Clive Owen...
He had two younger men with him; twins with short red hair. They were helping me escape with them. We went out the window onto an escalator which led to the Green Circle, the company's outdoor garden. It wasn't a Greenhouse because there was no roof. There was a huge synthetic, plastic cover over the garden patch where one twin went under to hide. Clive Owen and the other twin went to find transport to escape. I looked under the cover and asked, “May I come with you?” since I was a polite android.
He beckoned me to come under and I crawled beside him. I was like a child, looking around, wondering about the outside world I wasn't allowed to play in. Curious about the grass and the dirt and everything. He saw the scars all over my body from the laser and asked, "Does it hurt? I mean... do you feel pain?"
"We are built with pain sensors within the layer of our artificial skin. However my design evidently has a higher quality skin type. It does not hurt as much as I thought." I asked as calm as I was, “Please, what is your name?”
“I'm Sid and that was my brother, Peter. Do you have a name?”
“I'm Eve.”
“Who gave you that name?”
“I did.” because no one names androids. We're just machinery.
This could have been made into a block buster movie! Woah, I like that possibility. But it seems like it'll have a sad ending though... I dunno. Just a hunch. I like how many sorts of details I remembered from this Dream :)
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