My love – he made the greyest rain.
I'm at his home at quarrels echo within the walls and he is most troubled. I get on my pink flip flops and say, “Lets go outside,” even when I knew outside would be pouring but he comes. At the porch, he stares upwards, not really hoping, not really lost. It always rains when he's sad. I hug him from behind and his back is so warm and I tell him I still love him. He turns around without letting me go of him,
his jet black hair covering his sullen eyes. The ends of his mouth muster strength to pull into a grin, but I can see they're failing.
He says something to me, not much of a sentence nor a single word but a poem. It resonated through me. I regret not remembering it now.. but I remember the feeling his words gave me, as if they washed over my entire being.
His eyes try hard to smile even though inside his heart is bleeding and I know so well I can be his plaster; his aid; his poem. So why doesn't he use me?
When he looks at me, he looks at me with all the love in the world even when he's hurt so deeply. He'll probably say something like, “You're too beautiful to use, too pure.” and I'll say, “Nothing's pure anymore and I'm far from such definition.” We know what we'll say and our arguments will lead us nowhere so we keep silent. It is virtue.
My love – he makes the greyest rain with his tears. And all I can do, which he allows me to, is dance in them gracefully; quietly; never knowing, never asking. Just dance.
Fragments of a Dream put together using experimental form of poetry/narration. This went on but as the Dream played it was silent, except for soft clashing of rain on the ground and I remember it was so cold in the Dream world. Like I was really near the drizzle outside. I just wanted to give the boy and girl dialogue cus they both looked so sad and needed a story. Basically the boy's having problems. Really deep shit but doesn't want to confide in anyone, not even his girl. Though he doesn't know how much it pains her when he doesn't release his feelings onto her, cus she wants that so badly. How troublesome.
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