Monday, October 17, 2011
. 21.12.10 cardboard maze .
Monday, August 29, 2011
.: day twelve :.
. 20.12.10 candydoll sisters .
There was more to this Dream than this particular scene but unfortunately I couldn't recall the rest. You'll just have to read about the two adorable kiddy-killers. There were two sisters. The older one was lean and tall while the younger was short, a little round but petite. They were both dressed in frilly, lacey, glittery plush-pink tutu outfits together with ballet shoes. Their eyes were a light pink, their hair was platinum blonde, almost white. The older one's was tied in a single pony-tail while the younger one had hers in big, fat curls. Their overuse of pink and lace glared in my eyes even in the Dreamworld.
I was in the carpark of my condominium, just coming back from grocery shopping as I was carrying bags with me. All of a sudden these two girls jumped from nowhere and started to hit me. Intergrating their ballet skills with multiple martial arts techniques, they looked like kids-gone-villain on Halloween night. In return, I acquired the same martial arts skills to counter their attacks, without the tutus. I remember kicking them back and it was difficult to handle two opponents at the same time. Luckily I was able to knock the younger one unconscious and she fell to the ground.
The older sister, still caring for her sibling, stopped fighting immediately to cater to the younger one. I came closer to the two and helped picking up their things. They were carrying small backpacks with them when they attacked me and dropped them, their things sprawled all over. As I finished picking up their belongings and handed them back, the older ballerina looked at me with shock first, then caution. She asked me why I was being nice when we were enemies. I frankly replied, “Just because we fight doesn't mean we can't be civil bout it.” After telling her to come back when they felt better, I packed up my groceries and went home.
How civil of me :B I don't know why I was fighting young ballerina girls and why they were wearing so much pink, or how I could buy groceries without having a car.... Because of their different physique, I decided to name the older sister Lollipop and the younger Bubblegum xDDD
Monday, August 8, 2011
. 04.12.10 eulogies .
This Dream was a little... troubling because it had something to do with funerals. I take no part in the Dream however and observe like watching a movie on widescreen. The Dream shows me three different lives. The first is about an old man, married with a large family. Jolly character, tame and kind. The second was a woman from a background of luxury, and so is her family, but relatives seemed disjointed about her for some reason. And thirdly, a family of three; a father, mother and their little daughter. The father has a temperament and beats his daughter while the mother is too soft-spoken to get in between. He does it without remorse or guilt, thinking that his way is the only way.
Though all three different lives passed before me like a montage in a movie, I began to understand their different shades of living. Their points of views, their life stories. I also started seeing a pattern. It started from the old man, how he had lived a good life with a charming wife to age with him. His beloved children and grandchildren and the times he had spent with him. It came to a point when that warm color turned a shade of dark grey – the old man had died. The wake and funeral procession happened in seconds but I remembered something interesting about the funeral, that does not happen in real life. But I sort of wish it did...
The priest says his prayers and then recites a ritual over the casket. After that the old man's soul appeared!! His body a misty, blue, translucent form, he was aware he was dead and so did his family and those present. Because in this world, the souls get this one chance to say goodbye to their loved ones, confess their lies and hidden truths. Like the supernatural had become the natural! This ritual was something the soul could not avoid and unless he spoke of every truth, only then can his soul pass on to the next life. From the smile, the old man lived a good life and his family were happy to see him go in peace. To really go in peace.
On the other hand, the woman who lived the life of extravagance, of heavy perfumes and expensive champagne, had many secrets. Scandals those of which her family disagreed totally of, but they could not expose her for anything until her deathbed. So after the woman had died from a car accident, at her wake the relatives were irritated that they had to wait till her eulogy to find out the truths once and for all of many of her dastardly deeds. A little cold, but that's one way of looking at it.
Just before I woke up, it showed a flash of the abusive father and his daughter. I can't remember their expressions very well but something told me that either one of them would die next. What their eulogies would be, I could not say. The Dream ended just there.
Waking up, I started to imagine what the father or daughter would say had the Dream continued. Would the father have finally apologized and explained his reasons for his violent ways? Or would he continue being a jackass and say that it was “for her own good”? And the eight year old daughter? Would she have died wanting to forgive the father, waiting for the day he could change? Or pass on to the next world bitter and hating him? Possibilities – endless.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
.: day eleven :.
I'm sorry you can't see the stars from where we are ; But at least we can still sit under the stainless moon ; Wishes can't be made tonight so I'll go back home, and make you a thousand cranes ; Tie each one on a string so they won't fly alone ; My hands are sore and bleeding, but for you I'll do anything ; Wishes can't be made tonight, and maybe I'll make cranes of my own ; And maybe, just maybe, you'll love me too.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
. 18.11.10 spirit guardians .
I am my normal self with my parents. It seems like the normal family outings we do in real life, just laughing and eating. We're at some sort of Chinese restaurant so of course I would order the noodles. Strangely though the chef came out from behind his kitchen counter to take our orders. My dad and I order the noodles and the chef exclaimed, “Oh its your lucky day! Cus today it is an all you can eat!” he seemed rather jolly.
It wasn't exactly an all you can eat per say but a competition; whoever could finish the bowl of noodle under how many minutes would win a prize. I wasn't really counting on winning because I just wanted to eat the delicious Dream noodles. They tasted so good.... like chicken! My dad ate only half the bowl before he gave up. Everyone including the chef cried in teasing disappointment while I was still chowing down.
The chef went back to his kitchen but when he did, I overheard some customers gossiping about why he was so happy. It was something about him getting rid of his first son and carrying on his career with his second wife whom already had a son to begin with. I turned to look back at the kitchen, the chef was there, glaring at the gossiping customers. He really looked like a killer then.
The customers began to gossip louder, deliberately, spilling out all the rumors about him throwing the son overboard when he brought him out on a yacht trip and all sorts of things. They mocked him in his face like they weren't afraid. But they stopped once the wife and kid actually walked into the restaurant. Everyone was quiet.
But I was afraid – for the stepson. The stepson was just a bit younger than me and something told me that the chef would return to murder his new wife and the kid. Like a gut feeling. I turned to my dad asking a very strange question, “Dad, is it possible to send some of my guardians to protect the family? Just to be safe?” and he replied yes, but I had to concentrate real hard. What does this all mean you ask?
Inside of me lived several spirit guardians all of which took to the form of different animals. I chanted a spell and exhaled and out came the spirit animals, like mist. I remember seeing a bear, a raccoon, a rabbit and a deer. As the strongest of the animals, I sent the bear to look after the boy and his mother and the bear did obediently.
I remember my favorite being the raccoon as she was funny, intelligent as well as cheeky and sly. The next thing I knew, I found myself in the land of the spirit animals. It was where I would go to if I were sleeping or in deep meditation. It was a beautiful, mystic forest with a waterfall in the background, making the rivers flow between the green islands. I was standing on a rather large, grassy island. There I saw more of my animal guardians – some birds, a dog and a wolf if I'm not mistaken. But I wasn't alone.
The chef's son was also there. He was on a small island opposite me and it came closer on its own, connecting to my island with a miniature wooden bridge. The boy looked afraid and panicky. When he saw me he demanded answers and spoke quite rashly. The bear appeared and it scared him, but the bear was kind and made his way over the bridge to my side. There the other animals defended me, “You should be grateful you little brat!” said the wolf (or the dog, I'm not sure) “Yeah! She's the one who wanted to protect you!” said the raccoon.
The boy could not see his bear guardian until now, because I'm their owner and only I could see them in real world. Since the boy didn't understand, I quieted my guardians down saying not the blame him. I welcomed him to my part of the island, saying he needn't feel scared in this place. After I got him to trust me, I soon explained everything.
This Dream had a real oriental feeling to it, talking about spiritual guardians in the forms of animals and such, it reminded me a lot of the Chinese zodiac. Though the only animals I saw that were in the real zodiac were the rabbit and the dog. I wonder if I could have summoned a dragon... But anyway, this Dream was really fun cus I've always wished I could communicate with animals so I can finally tell what the hell they were saying.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
. 13.11.10 training .
My persona in this Dream was my normal self except I wasn't myself. The only thing different about me was that I had fantastic martial art skills!! I was at home but my house didn't look like a house anymore. Part of it had become this really dangerous training ground with stone walls and random, rusty metal sinks and pipes sticking out of them. Did I mention the boiling hot lava in the pits below?
My parents were there too, strange enough, but I wasn't paying much attention to them because I was challenged to a race of some sort throughout the molten battle field. I was challenged by a little kid who was also a martial artist from the old kung fu movies with the single braid and all. I took his challenge. The lava training ground was separated from the normal-looking part of the house by large, narrow stone walls. We started from one wall and had to reach the one on the other side of the molten pits. Besides the metal sinks and poles jutting from the walls, there were also pillars of rock in the middle of the lava that we could jump on but I didn't want to risk it.
The race began and I immediately took to the metal sinks and poles on the walls. This is where my parents start interfering. My mom suddenly calls out to me saying that it was a silly idea to grab onto the sinks and to hold the poles instead. I shouted back at her to let me to my business. She insisted the poles were sturdier but I knew they didn't look it. To prove her wrong I pushed down a pole that was supposed to support my weight but it came right off the wall and I cried back at her telling her about it. She looked upset she was wrong because she was only trying to help me but I could see my dad comforting her, telling her to let my do my own thing. I knew what I was doing.
So I carried on with my plan, jumping from one sink to another. I was close to catching the kid now but somewhere in the middle of the challenge the race changed into a game of catching the kid. It was as if he had done something wrong and I was supposed to catch him or something so I sped up. He made it over the wall but I caught up with him. I sat on the wall, squatting down on all limbs looking for my prey. I spotted him over the horizon of pillows and sheets and mattresses (yes you heard me) and I leaped to the ground below.
Once I was behind him, I was down on all fours and I suddenly roared like a tiger before pouncing on him and wrestling him from behind. He surrendered and I loosened my grip around him. “I have one and you accept your defeat.” I said proudly. Then I went to the living room to put on a video. The kid came along after me and looked at the cover of the movie I put on. I told him it was a kung fu movie starring Jet Li and some other fighters. It was the silly end to some very serious martial arts training.
The part about my mom in the beginning probably suggests my feelings to be independent; that I yearn my mom to trust me when I make my own decisions or when I act the way I do. And yes I am and always have been a fan of kung fu and martial arts movies. Not really the one about gunning action like Mission Impossible. I'm talking about Ip Man, Lethal Move, Fearless, Forbidden Kingdom, Crouching Tiger; Hidden Dragon – to name a few. My favorite fighters of all time are Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Sammo Hung and the occasional Jackie Chan for the comedies.
.: day ten :.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
. taking the bus .
This is the first Dream I've had where I am switching between two personas at a time. I am either a hot-headed man with a foul mouth or a soft-spoken, timid young girl with special goggles on my head. These personas of mine have no names so for the sake of less confusion I'll name them. The man is Wild Dog and the girl is Lily. Wild Dog is a young man, who looks about his late twenties, short, light brown hair and has an anger management problem. He is wearing an orange inmate jumpsuit where his top is zipped open and hanging from the belt showing his white vest. Lily is tall, pale with long black hair and a straight-cut fringe. She's wearing a large jumper with over-sized sleeves and always has a blur, stoic face on.
The story goes: Wild Dog and his mate, Melchett, are inmates from a prison. So is Lily, who surprisingly is their accomplice. They hi-jack a public bus with its passengers still on it and are trying to get away from the police who are chasing after them on the highway. Lily sits calmly in the front seat while Wild Dog hangs from the open doors, swinging from the rail and shooting at the police cars that get close enough. Melchett, who is not as wild or irrational as his friend Wild Dog, drives the bus. “Get in here! You're gonna getcha'self killed!!” Melchett shouts from the wheel.
Wild Dog shouts back, “JUST TRY N GET US COPPERS!! - I've run outta ammo!! Asshole! You didn't get enuf ammo??!!” he throws the shotgun on the floor. Lily obediently hands him a loaded gun, “Thankya sweets!” Wild Dog grins his iron teeth and goes back to his shooting spree. There was a lot more dialogue than this but in between I was shifting from Lily and Wild Dog for some odd reason. There were times I was having a blast, shooting and swearing profanities at the police and Melchett, just to annoy him. There were times where I was sitting down quietly, doing nothing and sometimes looking at the horrified passengers.
The bus ends up away from a highway and near a forest area, and some development sites. We were far away from the cops but the passengers were still with us. We didn't know what to do with them. All a sudden, Melchett's turning the bus around in a full circle and then stops. I am Lily right now and Melchett asks me to go outside and find anything metal or gold in the dirt area we're in. He asks Lily to do that because I've got special goggles which has many shades which can detect silver, copper of gold material. Fair enough, I went outside and to my surprise there was a gold pendant with a thick, heavy chain lying in the dust. Picked it up, got back on the bus and we drove away.
This trio looked like a good base to start a comic on. Though there wasn't much I could grab from the Dream itself except a bit of their looks, but Wild Dog could be the muscle of the team, with his street smarts and know-how of weaponry; Melchett is the brain, the rational, scheming comrade whose specialty is technology; and Lily, the almost innocent one of the group, whose skills on stealth and keeping it low makes her almost invisible, making her specialty grand theft.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
. 05.11.10 the dreamer and the muse .
I was a damsel in distress, captured by an evil wizard to be his bride. The wizard had long, straight white hair that only reached his chin and though he was young and pretty good-looking, he was still evil. I especially didn't like the way he treated me. I was in a puffy, cream colored gown with layers and laces. It looked like a wedding dress but I was already wearing it when he captured me. The truth of it all was I was betrothed to someone I didn't love and the wizard took me on my wedding day. I was a little happy for that. But when he himself forced me to marry him, I said I'd rather rot in his prison. And so he left me there.
My cell was a long, dark pit but square in shape. I tried climbing out of it but in the end I was so tired I fell asleep. In the Dream, I dreamt again. I opened my eyes and I found myself in the castle. I walked through the rooms and found gowns of different colors still on mannequins. They looked very pretty but I had no time to try them or anything. Quickly I went outside to the grounds and found my family and friends. I had an older sister named Lorina and she was panicking wondering where I was. I remember she had brown hair and was wearing a great orange dress. I ran up to her crying that I was here safe and sound, but alas I passed through her like some kind of ghost!
I was frightened. No one could see me or hear me. Thinking that I had died and become a phantom, I began to cry, when suddenly I heard a voice behind me, “You're not dead. You're a Dream that's all.” I turned around and saw a boy my age standing idly about like nothing's wrong. I asked how that was possible. “When you sleep, your spirit floats you see. It comes out of your body and becomes a Dream itself to the real world.” As he spoke to me, he didn't seem to smile. He had a rather soft but cheerless expression on his face. I didn't ask why nor who he was but he brought a lot of comfort to me.
He showed me around and comforted me when I felt sad and lost. In my head I thought he was like the Cheshire cat; a mysterious being that crossed between these two worlds. He was very attractive. He had grey eyes and short, wavy, black hair. As we walked side-by-side through the crossroads of Dreams, I found myself falling for him. My heart beat faster when I got so close to him. I saw his open hand at the corner of my eye and reached out for it gently. I held him. To my surprise he held me back. On his still stoic face, he was blushing; very hard. I felt so happy... but our happiness could not last. He was but a Dream muse and I was plainly a visitor.
I think the reason he was sad was because he knew my stay with him would be temporary. As I realized that I gripped his hand tighter. I didn't want to leave him. If I returned to the real world, I'd find myself in the cold, dark prison of an evil wizard. Even if I was rescued, I'd have to go back and marry someone I did not love. I didn't realize it at first but the Dream world we were walking through was shattering like glass, slowly and steadily. I suddenly had a pain in my head. We were on the ground and he held me, telling me to calm down... His voice, it almost made me cry... I was going to go now... I was going to leave him...
I woke up.
I was really sad my persona couldn't find her fairy tale with the muse but I think this is going to be a base of an incredible story later on! Also, the boy shockingly looked a lot like Fou, if he were much much older from the first time I dreamt him. Throughout the Dream, the muse and my persona really had a deep connection; but the weirdest part after recognizing him as Fou, he seemed to recognize me too as if he was meeting me again. Weird eh? Fou is from an old dream I had a long time ago which you can read here.
. 26.10.10 shotgun .
It's all a bit fuzzy but I remember the action stuff pretty well. There's me and Sano and we were pacing to find a getaway on wheels and fast. Sano found a white car and I wanted to drive, “I call shotgun!!” but he got to the driver's seat first. “Oh come ooon!” I sat in the passenger's seat and we drove off into the highway. Did I forget to mention that we both had guns? Though with both hands on the wheel, Sano couldn't use his. I literally did have a shotgun in my hands but it looked smaller. We drove off like runaways with cops in their metal vans chasing us. I stuck my head and gun out the window and shot the van at the wheels making the cops skid and collide with another car. The explosions just made me cackle maniacally.
This is all I can remember but it was exciting! It was like we were fugitives running away from the law but getting a kick out of it.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
. mirror mirror .
For this Dream, I've extracted some subconscious philosophy and I shall explain to you how. I see someone who looks like my friend, Sya, and I follow her into a room. She seems like she wants to keep her distance, like she's mad at me for some reason. I follow her into a bedroom and she's still pushing me away. I wanted to talk to her, ask her what's wrong but she was acting irrational. I sort of try and forcibly calm her down by hugging her as gently as I could. Finally I got her to stop struggling, with my arms still round her, cus she was tiny. We were next to a wall with a large mirror. We both looked at ourselves and she asked, “Tell me – what do you see? What do you see??!” she was screaming at me. Like she was expecting the answer. Instead, I replied, “Are you asking what I see or what you want me to see?”
I guessed this was a case of self-reflection with the mirror and all, and my friend being upset. Sya is an example of a person who may recluse herself in denial of her true character, or perhaps a person who is afraid to stand up to the truth about themselves. Me as the ambiguous one may symbolize the surrounding ppl of the one in denial. How others can bring about one's true colors or bring one to realize them. However this Dream does not mean that the ppl involved are actually like that in reality.... or ARE they...?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
. 06.10.10 moving toys .
Ok so a friend of mine is having a sleepover at my house this week and wouldn't you know it; that's what I dreamt about last night. But it was more creepy than sleepover fun. Plus, we didn't sleep in the same room. For some reason I was sleeping on a mattress in my parents' when all of a sudden we hear some bumps in the night. The lights wouldn't come on cus of a blackout so it was pitch dark. I needed to find my friend Ash and find her quick! She was sleeping all alone in my room with the toys!
It was like we were done playing with the toys and just left them sprawled on the bedroom floor before going to sleep. I found the bedroom and brought her to my parents' room where we huddled together. She was sobbing, “It w-was just... s-so.. scary..!!” and I cuddled her, telling her its alright now. My parents, like rational adults, kept asking what the matter was and I explained that the toys had come alive somehow and were trying to take my Ash away. Of course they didn't believe us.
I remember one of our cats, Zhao Tcai, the kitten of the family was with us too and he was also trying to convince my parents that I was telling the truth. Of course, being the kitten of the family (what more a cat that couldn't talk) they didn't listen to him. But then somewhere in the dark we heard something scuffling in the room with us. Frightened, everyone got on the bed, afraid of stepping on the bedroom floor, except Zhao Tcai. Being a cat has its advantages. With his keen eyesight, he was able to hunt whatever it was in the bedroom. At first the chase was on the floor, but they hopped onto the bed and the cat chased it all around us. The moment the lights came back on, Zhao Tcai had caught it. It was a plastic rat, with a dead expression on its face.
My parents then believed me and we began to investigate. It wasn't just Ash and my parents; all of a sudden there were other ppl I've never seen before hunting for those live toys, like they were a mob looking for a real threat or something. We searched throughout the house, which didn't look like my house anymore, and opened a door. To our surprise we saw the toys building a city of their own out of the other toy pieces. Legos, building blocks, my old house and castle sets and toys I've never seen in my life. They all stopped building the moment we opened the door but the ppl began grabbing toys they could reach and shouted, “Come on! Lets chop these buggers to bits!” and when he said chop, he meant cut them with big scissors. We all grabbed a pair of scissors and cut whatever toy we could find. For some unknown reason, I was cutting a plastic... plate..?
Not the Toy Story which I had in mind...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
. bloodchild .
Sunday, February 20, 2011
.: month of february :.
Yeah, sorry there hasn't been updates as frequently as I'd liked. Been too busy with university and all. Assignments, mid terms.. not to mention the finals coming up at the end of March. Goodness so many things, so little time. Haven't even been able to draw! Can you imagine that?? Well not to worry, though I haven't drawn anything NEW, I'll just post up an ol' lil' something Valentines-like for the month of February, just to make up xppp

If you don't recognize these two, it's Leo Lionheart and Cathy Kattz from an old online comic of mine, CFA Crew. Haven't continued their comic in ages since the progress of recent projects (and university boohoo) but I still draw them now and then. This picture is old cus it was during the time I made my music video :)))
So overall, hope yall had a good month! Good Valentines! Good whatever!
And even if they weren't as good as you'd hoped, chin up! Stay positive - and maybe then will positivity arrive at your door~
God bless!
. i killed Chucky .
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
. 18.08.10 firebender .
I've always been a fangirl of Zuko, the firebending prince from Nickelodeon's Avatar series. Its about time I had a Dream about him! It all starts out with a theater going on somewhere in the Earth Kingdom and for some unknown reason Aang and Katara were subjected to being the drama performers. Now I can't remember their roles but I remember the host of the theater being very rude and annoying and as it almost ended, he pulled the two of them together; their faces so close it made them embarrassed. It was even more humiliating when he cried out loud, “Now give us a kiss!” and the whole audience starts laughing.
We cut to my persona who's outside the theater with Zuko. My character had long, black hair tied into a thick pony-tail and my ninja outfit was black from top to bottom, decorated in a bit of maroon. I couldn't bend any element and relied on martial arts. The story of my tribe will come later in the Dream. Zuko and I were friends after knowing each other for just a short while but when we stumbled upon the Avatar in the Earth Kingdom, he was bent on capturing him for his father again. But Zuko did not know that I was also friends with Aang and the rest of the troop. Before he could storm backstage to confront them, I stood in front of him with my arms outstretched blocking his way, “Zuko, you can't have him!” He looks puzzled at me. I lecture him about how he shouldn't be groveling at his father's feet. He knew capturing the Avatar was wrong and that the fire lord would upset the balance of the whole world.
“Tell me, is that what you really want?” From the look on his face, he was considering his actions and I could tell he was almost going to change sides. But all of a sudden, I was the one getting attacked. Better yet, I was being attacked by Zuko's dad and his soldiers. While fighting them off, or more like, running away from them most of the time, I could see Zuko crying out to his father as to why he was attacking someone like me who had nothing to do with the Avatar. His father explained to him that I was of a special tribe from the Fire Kingdom, where the most elite fighters/ninjas were raised and taught. Apparently he had tried to persuade my tribe to join forces with him but they refused cus they were on the Avatar's side. Zuko's father was ready to eliminate me if I didn't wish to cooperate.
Zuko couldn't do anything but watch as I ran away from the soldiers. But over time, I could still fight them off, without firebending powers. The cruelest thing was what happened later; the fire lord sent an old friend of mine to have a final duel. The friend in my Dream is actually a real friend of mine in real life and I call her Kero. She's a little older than me and we're really close. But to see her in my Dream as an angry firebending soldier, brainwashed to do the fire lord's bidding, that really stung. I tried talking some sense into her but it didn't work. It almost did but she snapped out of it and went back to attacking me with brute force. We fought hand-to-hand combat but in the end, I was able to flip her to the ground judo-style and knock her out. I then sprinted away to find Zuko so that we could escape together and warn Aang about the fire troops.
I wish I could have fire bended a little. Just a little, just to know what it feels like even in the Dream :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
. supers and guns .
.: start of 2011 :.
My new year didn't start very well because my uncle passed away on new years eve :c Though I wasn't that close with him, I was there for my cousins and my aunt, my dad's sister. Nothing is a better wake-up call than a funeral, which is sad. It always has to be death that reminds us about life, isn't it? Though we hate to admit it, we are pretty forgetful creatures.
We always forget to be grateful for the littlest things.
Cus it's true what they say; you don't know what you've got till it's gone. And that's scary.
Well I'm going to try my best to show more of my gratitude. I want to be humble and focus on what I still have, not what I'm missing.
When's the last time you told a family member 'I love You'?
I hope you all are having a great start of 2011. Drive safe! Take care and God bless~
-Love Dyana.