Why do I keep dreaming about Valentines day? We don't even celebrate that here – oh. Maybe THAT'S why. Hahaha.
Our condo premises is surrounded by a cement wall, our security gate and it goes all the way down the hill and around. In the dream, I come out and there's this ridiculously long line of boys of all kinds just lined up against the wall. They stood shoulder to shoulder and each of them were holding a fruit of some kind. It was sort of round and red but it wasn't an apple. It was more like a huge cherry without the stem and it tasted like one too.
And they just stood there, fumbling about like usual, and then suddenly some groups of girls came and they were picking which boy they would like to receive the fruit from. When a girl took the fruit, she'd just walk away with her prize. The boy just stays at the wall and a fruit gets passed to him from the one next to him. They made sure none of their hands stayed empty.
This was just puzzling for me but I took advantage of it and took three or four fruits and ate them. They were very sweet and had a cherry flavor.
Our senses are only limited by our minds. In dreams, your mind can smell, feel, taste and hear the familiar because its been saved in your memory bank. At least that's my logic. How else can I enjoy cherry fruits or chocolate cake?
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