I wish I could experience this old dream again.
I was in a large group of people and we were visiting this amusement park apparently. I think my dad was there with me and I don't remember a lot about the rides but I remember this one where you have to ride the roller coaster to get to the museum! What a way to travel! The strange thing about the ride is you don't sit in the seat and strap yourselves down or anything. There aren't even any seats. Just the handlebars in front of you. All you have to do is hold on and don't let go no matter what, so evidently when the coaster goes, we're all hanging on like fish on hooks! Screaming at the top of our lungs. I was enjoying it but I was also scared as hell to let go.
So we got to the museum and the first thing that crawls into my mind is the word Petrosains. Petrosains is a family type museum in KLCC and I used to love going there as a kid and on school trips. But the one in dreamland was a much different sort. Sure it had your usual exhibits, props and the amounts of information they frame and hang on the walls. But walking deeper and deeper into the museum, much changes.
From stuffed figures to robotics that move, from photographs of the sea to humongous tanks of foreign fish, the museum was improving drastically! I just stared at the schools of weird fish in the tanks which seemed to join with other tanks... which meant the carnivorous fish were mixing with their prey. This I wanted to see and the fish I remember was the moray eel... or maybe it was a barracuda. It had a long body and sharp teeth. I wanted to see it eat but other things caught my eye.
I go into this gigantic room which looked very much like a glass dome itself. At first I thought it was the green house because of the glass but I was wrong. We were nowhere on land; we were underwater!! Or at least I think we were because outside the glass dome there was a blue whale, happily swimming around! It was incredible...
I don't know how and I don't know when, but after the underwater dome, there was another dome somewhere but everyone looked distressed. I asked someone what was wrong until I noticed behind him, beyond the glass this time was a brontosaurus... the dinosaur with the long neck. The person I asked replied, “One of them exhibits got lose... and it don't eat veggies.”
Behind me the glass was broken and there was a gigantic hole in the dome.
I woke up after that but I was glad there wasn't any chase scenes from the T-Rex or whatever dinosaur it was that escaped. I enjoyed the ride to the museum the most in this one.
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