Here I am myself, headscarf, black attire and all. Its a normal day and I'm hanging with friends. That night as I slept I had a horrible dream. A dream about a building which had 5 floors and each floor had a balcony; sort of like an apartment. On the third floor balcony however I could see plainly, even from far away, there was a decapitated head that looked like one of my friends', Sano's. There was also something wrong about the first and fifth floor but it was the third one that really got me. I woke up scared and told my friends right away.
Sano in my Dream was fine and I told him about finding his head on the third floor balcony. He assured me his head was still in tact and my guy friends were with me and agreed to investigate. They took me to the building I described. It was more decrepit than I imagined in my Dream-Dream and much of it was boarded up but we broke in anyway. We were like the Scooby Doo gang only without a dog. Went inside and strange enough, the inside looked like my high school. There was also like one or two classes going on in what looked like should be a condemned building.
In my high school, some classes had two doors where we could walk through to end up some place else and we took them as shortcuts. We did the same thing to one class. My guy friends (which were only Min and Sano that I remember) thought the little children were freaky and escaped the class as quick as possible. I smiled as I stepped into the class. A girl said, “I'll let you pass if you can guess my name.” I replied, “Hello Aisyah.” and she let me through. Strange I wasn't scared of the creepy children.
We got to the third floor which after entering looked like a rooftop parking lot. After much searching, which I don't recall any part of, we discovered that there was a murder there a long time ago. The body was not found and it went unsolved. We recovered the missing bones and the skull that was separated. Apparently there were also killings on the first and fifth floor too but those cases were solved and closed. Our discovery made the papers and I was noted as a psychic Dreamer. I remember the day that followed, we were hanging out talking about our experience to our other friends (which I remember there were Elmi, Deena and Omar). We had our pictures in the black and white papers, showing it to everyone. Too bad our faces in the paper looked so sombre.
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