When you've got Dreams as awesome as these?
My persona this time is an average high school student who's participating in an inter-school drama. Girls from my school would have to put on a play with some guys from the brother school near ours so it was like a first time meeting them. I was an average looking, non-preppy teenage girl with short, chocolate hair, orange-brown eyes and I was cast in an unglamorous role, not that I minded. The drama queen of our school was of course the little miss starlet. Blonde and bitchy. Always hogging the spotlight. Even though I didn't pay much mind to her, she would bully and boss me and everyone else. I remember the ballet rehearsals where she and the other girls danced around on stage - the princess is being followed by her entourage. The dresses were fairy-like; plush and glittery. I was dressed in dull, dark blue drags as I was a mere messenger boy who had to carry a message from the princess to the neighboring prince.
Speaking of prince, the boys from the brother school arrived for rehearsal and their star actor was Mr. Perfect. He was handsome, had a nice set of hair, fit body, and all the girls were over him; never minding he had braces (I remember I also wore braces in this Dream). However when the blonde noticed him walking in, she and her entourage sort of charged towards him. Unfortunately I was in the way and I was dragged along rather forcefully. I ended up meeting him. When he saw me, his face sort of lighted up as if for the first time. He says hi to me while the other girls are trying to get his attention. I say hi back but the blonde is getting in my way, diverting his gaze. I thought it was coincidence he said hi to me so I
thought it'd be better if I backed off. So I pulled myself out of the crowd and hung around near the props. Sooner or later it calmed down, everyone was back doing their thing. I was leaning on a pillar doing nothing when all of a sudden HE came from behind me to say hello. Surprise, surprise.
We started talking and we laughed at each others jokes, but someone noticed and didn't like it. The blonde walked over and was starting to hog the conversation now. I was used to her walking over me so I kept quiet, but HE didn't. I recall he said something like, “Verona (her name maybe?) would you mind looking over there and not bothering us?” She was furious and stormed off. That was fun while it lasted but during the rehearsal she bullied me again when he wasn't looking.
After a hard day's work, I decided to explore the outside of the auditorium. I discovered a little garden spot and a large pond in its corner. I look into the pond and saw clearly weird looking fish. Now in Dreams, I'm still wary of fish and undersea life in Dreams as something bad always happens afterwards but there was one fish whom I made quick friends with. From outside the pond I could see he had a long body, a distinctive tail-fin, a yellow-brown complexion with dark spots all over. It spoke to me. He asked what I was doing on this side of the grounds. I told him I was exploring if he didn't mind. He was a very nice fish. His voice sounded like a much older man; like a wise old teacher you could have as your bestest best friend. That was how he looked like to me. We talked for a long while in the Dream even though I don't remember the contents, but it was later we found we cared for each other's friendship. Then, he, the fish, got out of the water. He was sort of floating in mid air above the pond, dancing around. He then looked at me and said, “...I am a magical fish and I can grant you three wishes.” I was already surprised the fish could talk, but three wishes? My persona thought hard what to answer.
In the end I just shook my head, “I don't need three wishes! I'm perfectly content with my life as it is,” I said rather happily, and truthfully. “But thank you very much. I just want you to continue being my friend, that's all.” The fish looked like as if he smiled. His figure then began to change into that of a shark. Not just any shark, but a prehistorical shark; the ones that I loved. I remembered saying, “No wonder I was so interested in you! You're my favorite type of shark.” He was still my friend and let me stroke his sandpaper skin, still floating in the air. But then! Two sharks came out from nowhere and they too swam in the air. One crashed into me with his mouth wide open, bearing his lines of jagged teeth. Before he could close them shut on my arm, my shark friend rammed into his side and fought him off. But while he was occupied with the first one, I had to fight the second one off myself. He was gnashing at my knees and I tried my hardest to kick and shove his head away. The two attacking sharks looked like dwarf versions of hammer heads, as their heads were not that huge or wide.
My shark friend got to fight the two off but my knees and hands were bitten through and bleeding. I saw my flesh peeled open and I could see the blood and tissue but to my luck, the prince actor found me in the garden in time and brought me back to be patched up. I was being bandaged nicely and taken care of, thanks to my prince. He was very caring and thoughtful to me and it was then our feelings mixed. I didn't see my shark friend though. He must've disappeared when my prince came. The next day, I was feeling mighty fine again, though the wounds were still patched up, the show must go on. Upon arriving at the auditorium, I saw the prince from behind and when I was sure no one was looking, I crept up and hugged him from behind and whispered, “Thank you for everything.”
Sadly I woke up before thanking my shark friend :c

This is just a sketch I made of my persona and my shark friend. Its not the official pic but I've been wanting to draw them out so bad x)
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