Saturday, December 22, 2012

.: day sixteen :.

blanket of sky

I'm looking at the sky right now
I wonder if she looks just as beautiful
from where you're standing.

We're so far apart.

Two different sides of the world,
but at least we're on the same world.
We can both meet half-way anytime.
As long as we're still covered 
by the same blanket of sky.
Mine's often gray from here. What about yours?
I no longer want to be
star-crossed lovers torn by distance
and time and place.
If I could hitch a ride on a shooting star,
I'd be there in a heartbeat.
Wait for me. I'll come for you.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

. 27.12.11 hornets and bees .

  The Dream takes place in a normal suburban area and I'm hanging out at the local mall. All of a sudden, hornets were seeing hovering everywhere, attaching themselves to people and stinging them. People panicked and ran amok, stirring up the insects and making the attacks even worse. I was with a friend. A Japanese girl with a cute bob-cut and she didn't seem frightened of the hornets at all. I was frightened but I tried my very best not to panic, knowing it'll hurt more if I did. They were specifically Japanese Giant Wasps. I recognized them from their distinct size and pattern. I got stung on my arms and stomach and it felt like a needle pushing through my flesh. I tried my best not to scream or flail around as my friend helped pluck the hornets off me, and she did it with ease.

  After removing the bugs from my body, I just wanted to find a way out of the mall. My friend, somehow or rather, got hold of a kitchen knife with which she used to fend off the hornets. When they would attach themselves to me again, she'd pluck them with her bare hands and cut them in halves as if she were chopping vegetables. We escaped the hell-hole of a mall while the people around us ran around in a chaotic frenzy, many already dying from overdose of stings.

  The Dream cuts to scene of a man sitting immobile in the dark. I am a Bystander, witnessing the scene before me. He is bound to a chair with a single spotlight above him. He's terrified, trembling; he doesn't know where he is or why he's there. He calls out to the darkness, demanding answers. All that replies are indecipherable voices, or murmurs too soft and too dark for me to understand. But the man understood and his face turned pale. His eyes said that now he knew why he was here, but now he was afraid of the unknown; or what was to come. He was bound – and couldn't escape his gruesome death.

  From the darkness, something stirred. At first it was too soft for either of us to hear. But then we heard the soft buzzing of wings. A shadowy figured separated itself from the blob of surrounding darkness and landed heavily on the man's head. It was a bumblebee, the size of a football. It sat on the man's head for a while, it's black body and dull, yellow stripes making one ridiculous toupee. The man was petrified and dared not move. Fear oozed out of his pores and whimpers followed his quivering lips.

The bee crawled slowly from his temple to the front of his face, sitting right-side up. Its stinger erected, poised and ready; the width as thick as a wooden 2B pencil just sharpened. It grew longer, than shorter, than longer again, as if the bug was deciding which length was more precise. By now the man was begging for his life, but his voice drowned within his fear and inaudible cries escaped his mouth. He knew he shouldn't have left his mouth open but his eyes were clouded and deep inside, he knew it was his end. I couldn't bear to watch. I wanted to so turn my head and look away, but apparently you can't do that when you're a Bystander. With a single thrust, the stinger went through the man's mouth and protruded out the back of his head. The blood was thick as it spilled from his head and mouth, and the bee just lazily flew on its way.

  In the darkness, someone cackled.

One of the most disturbing Dreams I've had recently, and it's about bees and hornets. I'm terrified of them in the sense that I would avoid them at all costs and in any way possible. But I don't encounter them very often. And I'm not saying that I'd like to either...