Monday, August 8, 2011

. 04.12.10 eulogies .

This Dream was a little... troubling because it had something to do with funerals. I take no part in the Dream however and observe like watching a movie on widescreen. The Dream shows me three different lives. The first is about an old man, married with a large family. Jolly character, tame and kind. The second was a woman from a background of luxury, and so is her family, but relatives seemed disjointed about her for some reason. And thirdly, a family of three; a father, mother and their little daughter. The father has a temperament and beats his daughter while the mother is too soft-spoken to get in between. He does it without remorse or guilt, thinking that his way is the only way.

Though all three different lives passed before me like a montage in a movie, I began to understand their different shades of living. Their points of views, their life stories. I also started seeing a pattern. It started from the old man, how he had lived a good life with a charming wife to age with him. His beloved children and grandchildren and the times he had spent with him. It came to a point when that warm color turned a shade of dark grey – the old man had died. The wake and funeral procession happened in seconds but I remembered something interesting about the funeral, that does not happen in real life. But I sort of wish it did...

The priest says his prayers and then recites a ritual over the casket. After that the old man's soul appeared!! His body a misty, blue, translucent form, he was aware he was dead and so did his family and those present. Because in this world, the souls get this one chance to say goodbye to their loved ones, confess their lies and hidden truths. Like the supernatural had become the natural! This ritual was something the soul could not avoid and unless he spoke of every truth, only then can his soul pass on to the next life. From the smile, the old man lived a good life and his family were happy to see him go in peace. To really go in peace.

On the other hand, the woman who lived the life of extravagance, of heavy perfumes and expensive champagne, had many secrets. Scandals those of which her family disagreed totally of, but they could not expose her for anything until her deathbed. So after the woman had died from a car accident, at her wake the relatives were irritated that they had to wait till her eulogy to find out the truths once and for all of many of her dastardly deeds. A little cold, but that's one way of looking at it.

Just before I woke up, it showed a flash of the abusive father and his daughter. I can't remember their expressions very well but something told me that either one of them would die next. What their eulogies would be, I could not say. The Dream ended just there.

Waking up, I started to imagine what the father or daughter would say had the Dream continued. Would the father have finally apologized and explained his reasons for his violent ways? Or would he continue being a jackass and say that it was “for her own good”? And the eight year old daughter? Would she have died wanting to forgive the father, waiting for the day he could change? Or pass on to the next world bitter and hating him? Possibilities – endless.

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